Translation Shop - Translation Shop

Translation Shop

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Contact Information

Translation Type

Language Pair

Upload The Files You Want To Translate

We accept scans, images, PDFs, Word docs, and text files. Our system will automatically count the number of pages and words, but if you think the count is incorrect, you can manually adjust it. If the page or word count exceeds the initial estimate, our team will review your files and provide an additional quote.

Upload Files You can upload documents from your Desktop, Direct Link, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Google Drive, Evernote, Box, One Drive, Dropbox.

Adjust Page Count Manually

If the automatic page or word count is incorrect, you can manually adjust it here.

Additional Details

Please provide any special requests, notes, or instructions related to your translation project. This may include things such as name spelling, date format, currency conversion etc.

Select Your Translation Turnaround Time

Delivery Method and Notarization

All certified translations include a signed certificate sent to your email. We recommend adding notarization to your certified translation for extra credibility. Physical copies with ink signatures and stamps are available with standard or express shipping to your address.

Hard Copy + Digital Copy

Digital Copy Only


Please enter your credit card information or pay with PayPal to complete Your Order. Your information is 100% encrypted and secure.